
Company Name Global Vision Housing Agency
Address Sunabe Seaside MSN I #1F
1-43 Miyagi, Chatan-cho,
Nakagami-gun, Okinawa JAPAN
Phone 098-936-8889
Open Hours Mon - Fri 9:00-17:00

Closes Sat and Sun
And American Holidays.
Address 沖縄県 中頭郡北谷町宮城1-43 Sunabe Seaside MSN I #1F
道順 嘉手納基地のゲート1から北谷町宮城1-43株式会社グローバルヴィジョンまでの最短の道のりは、国道58号を経由して、約3分で到着します。

その他 Welcome to Global Vision Inc. We have been in business for 19 years. We started out as Global Destiny but as any growing company, we have expanded to what we are today. I believe we are here today, still going strong due to the relationships we have with our customers as well as other housing businesses. We are truly grateful for your dedication to us as well as your patronage.
All of us here at Global Vision Inc. will continue to do our best. We look forward to working with you and thank you for your continued support.